#Tuxedo at #SPSLondon 2015 for @ukmastocytosis

12 07 2015

I wore a Tuxedo at SharePoint Saturday London 2015 to raise money for http://www.ukmasto.org/, you most probably have not heard of them as they are a charity for a rare condition called Systemic Mastocytosis (definitions: Wiki, NHS). If you would like to make a donation go to:

Here I am at SharePoint Saturday London 2015. Thanks to Jason Himmelstein (@sharepointlhorn) for taking the picture.


What should I wear next year?

#SharePoint User Group – #Cambridge (#SUGUK) – Vendor Night

2 03 2015

SUGUKIt’s back! The ever popular vendor night returns to the SharePoint User Group in Cambridge, with three excellent vendors presenting.

This time round we have:

Sign up here.

Why @Office365 Matter Center for @SharePoint Matters

22 08 2014

Created for Office 365, in keeping with Microsoft’s mantra:

mobile-first and cloudfirst

Matter Center for Office 365 is aimed at Legal professionals.  Basically it enhances and adds to the features in Office 365

Don’t get me wrong Matter Center is not basic and I am surprised the announcements (Microsoft Matter Center for Office 365 boosts law firm productivity and Boost law firm productivity with Matter Center for Office 365) didn’t get more attention. This is one of the biggest DMS/EDRM moves by Microsoft since the release of SharePoint itself.

What it allows law firms and legal departments to do is work in a way they are use to now but in the Cloud. Users can collaborate easier as files are organised  by client and matter. What is key is they can do this from within Microsoft Word or Outlook.

Since Matter Center is based on existing Microsoft technology it still gives:

“legal professionals secure access to the information they need – anywhere, any time, and from any device”

 Automatic version control is included. This may or may not be liked depending on how lawyers like to version docs.

Using metadata allows users to perform matter and document search queries that result in more accurate results.

Microsoft states that users can “Track or pin frequently used or recent matters” how this is done is yet to be seen, but likely similar to how you bookmark web pages or pin docs in Microsoft Word.

The ability to “Drag, drop, and save emails and attachments from Outlook into the right matter (likely a form of Site Collection) is something we have seen from the likes of harmon.ie and Colligo. What is nice though and what will save lawyers time is the fact metadata, permissions, and version control is handled automatically.

We all know that in SharePoint you cant say, don’t give access, in Matter Center you can! This is a big chance and helps with ethical walls. Historically tools like IntApp WallBuilder dealt with this, I still see a gap for these tools as well as for the likes of ControlPoint by Metalogix.

Lets face it building, supporting, running as well as upgrading any DMS Is not cheap. But compared with on-prem version I see Matter Center reducing the cost by 70%. That means lawyers can earn even more money and/or invest the savings back into improving other parts of IT.

Microsoft say:

“Matter Center can be deployed in the cloud, in a hybrid scenario, or as part of an on-premises SharePoint environment based upon a firm’s needs and existing infrastructure”

Which to me means there will be no on-prem version but they are happy to help move you to the cloud.


Assuming you can get over any legal issue not to go to the cloud and the functionality meets your requirements then Matter Center is likely right for your firm 

However I personally see this initially being adopted by large firms ready to take the leap of faith to the cloud or smaller firms, perhaps legal departments  who are agile enough to move over. Everyone else will wait to see what others have done, in other words learn from others.

If you are interested to learn more keep an eye out for more posts or contact my company Perkins-Smart Consulting.

#SUGUK East Anglia (2014-09-22)

18 08 2014


We are holding our first joint meeting with the SQL User Group (@SQLCambs). Our speakers are:

  • Penny Coventry (@pjcov)
    Creating and Enhancing Access Web Apps
  • Francois Souyri (@francoissouyri)
    BI Tools in Office 365

Sign up here: http://raps.cc/sugukea

#SUGUK East Anglia (2014-07-15)

8 07 2014

SUGUKBack again at are regular Cambridge location (Holiday Inn Express Cambridge) for a couple of interesting presentations.  We are welcoming back Seb Matthews (@sebmatthews) and Paul Hunt (@cimares) to present sessions.

Sign up here: http://raps.cc/ebsugukea

IRMS Conference 2014

25 05 2014

The slides from my IRMS Conference 2014  presentation will be posted here www.slideshare.net/sharepointrandy by 24 May.

If you would like to get in contact with me then please do so via http://linkedin.com/in/randyperkins

SUGUK Windows Phone App

24 04 2014

SUGUKThe SUGUK Windows Phone App providing information on events can be downloaded from your Windows Phone 8 device from http://bit.ly/SUGUK-WP (case sensitive).

Apps for other devices are coming later this year!

SharePoint User Group UK (East Anglia) – Vendor Night

8 04 2014

SUGUKThe popular vendor night makes a return with three great vendor presentations.  Each of the vendors will make presentations of their products, with the opportuntity for the attendees to ask questions.  We will have breaks for snacks during the meetings and some prizes as well.


SharePoint Saturday 2013 Presentation Slides

10 11 2013

Thanks to those who were able to attend my presentation at SharePoint Saturday 2013. Here are my slides.

Tips & Tricks For Architecting & Administrating Highly Utilised Collaboration Environments

If you have any questions please contact me.

SharePoint User Group UK: East Anglia (19 November 2013)

8 10 2013

Details of the next SharePoint User Group UK: East Anglia on 19 November 2013 can be found here: http://www.suguk.org/Event.aspx?id=8699926715.